import numpy as np
from numpy.random import rand,randn,randint,poisson,gamma,multinomial
from scipy.special import factorial
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
def corr(trace):
""" calculate the autocorrelation of a trace of scalar data
pre: trace should be a 1D iterable array of floating point numbers
post: return the autocorrelation of this trace of scalars
mu = np.mean(trace)
stddev = np.std(trace,ddof=1)
correlation_time = 0.
for k in range(1,len(trace)):
# calculate auto_correlation
auto_correlation = 0.0
num = len(trace)-k
for i in range(num):
auto_correlation += (trace[i]-mu)*(trace[i+k]-mu)
# end for i
auto_correlation *= 1.0/(num*stddev**2)
if auto_correlation > 0:
correlation_time += auto_correlation
# end if
# end for k
correlation_time = 1.0 + 2.0*correlation_time
return correlation_time
# end def corr
def error(trace):
""" calculate the standard error of a trace of scalar data
for uncorrelated data, this should match np.std(trace)/np.sqrt(len(trace))
pre: trace should be a 1D iterable array of floating point numbers
post: return the standard error of this trace of scalars
# calculate standard error
return np.std(trace,ddof=1)/np.sqrt(len(trace)/corr(trace))
# end def error
# seed RNG for reproducibility
seed = 9
# generate data
true_n = randint(N)
true_lam1 = gamma(a,1./b)
true_lam2 = gamma(a,1./b)
x = np.concatenate( [poisson(true_lam1,true_n)
, poisson(true_lam2,N-true_n)] )
print true_n, true_lam1,true_lam2
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_xlabel('month since Sep. 2014',fontsize=12)
ax.set_ylabel('number of major science discoveries',fontsize=12)
lam = np.zeros(len(x))
lam[:true_n] = true_lam1
lam[true_n:] = true_lam2
ax.plot(lam,c='r',ls='--',label='true model')
ax.axvline(28,lw=2,c='black',ls='--',label='true change point')
nequil = 0
nsample= 1000
# initialize model
lam1 = gamma(a,1./b)
lam2 = gamma(a,1./b)
ln_xfac = np.log( factorial(x) )
# make space for traces
trace_n = np.zeros(nsample,dtype=int)
trace_lam1 = np.zeros(nsample)
trace_lam2 = np.zeros(nsample)
# run MCMC
for istep in range(nequil+nsample):
# block sample new lambda1 and lambda2
alam1 = a + sum(x[:n])
blam1 = b + n
alam2 = a + sum(x[n:])
blam2 = b + (N-n)
lam1 = gamma(alam1,1./blam1)
lam2 = gamma(alam2,1./blam2)
# sample new n
mult_n = np.zeros(N)
for i in range(N):
#mult_n[i] = sum(x[:i])*np.log(lam1) - i*lam1 - i*sum(ln_xfac[:i]) +\
# sum(x[i:])*np.log(lam2) + i*lam2 + i*sum(ln_xfac[i:])
mult_n[i] = sum(x[:i])*np.log(lam1) - i*lam1 + sum(x[i:])*np.log(lam2)+i*lam2# - i*sum(ln_xfac[:i])+i*sum(ln_xfac[i:])
# end for i
mult_n = np.exp(mult_n-max(mult_n))
n = np.where( multinomial(1,mult_n/sum(mult_n))==1 )[0][0]
if istep >= nequil:
trace_n[istep-nequil] = n
trace_lam1[istep-nequil] = lam1
trace_lam2[istep-nequil] = lam2
# end if istep
# end for istep
mylam1 = np.mean(trace_lam1)
mylam1e= error(trace_lam1)
mylam2 = np.mean(trace_lam2)
mylam2e= error(trace_lam2)
myn = int(round( np.mean(trace_n) ))
myne = error(trace_n)
print 'estimate:', myn, mylam1, mylam2
print 'errors:', myne, mylam1e, mylam2e
print 'true: ', true_n,true_lam1,true_lam2
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_xlabel('month since Sep. 2014',fontsize=12)
ax.set_ylabel('number of major science discoveries',fontsize=12)
lam = np.zeros(len(x))
lam[:true_n] = true_lam1
lam[true_n:] = true_lam2
mylam = np.zeros(len(x))
mylam[:myn] = mylam1
mylam[myn:] = mylam2
ax.plot(lam,c='r',ls='--',label='true model')
ax.plot(mylam,c='gray',ls='-',lw=5,alpha=0.5,label='inferred model')
gtrace_lam1 = trace_lam1.copy()
def ln_ppoisson(x,lam):
return x*np.log(lam)-lam
# end def
def ln_pgamma(lam,a,b):
return (a-1)*np.log(lam)-b*lam
# end def
def ln_prob(n,lam1,lam2):
first = sum( ln_ppoisson(x[:n],lam1) )
second = sum( ln_ppoisson(x[n:],lam2) )
plam1 = ln_pgamma(lam1,a,b)
plam2 = ln_pgamma(lam2,a,b)
return sum([first,second,plam1,plam2])
# end def
nequil = 0
nsample= 1000
sig = 0.05
# initialize model
lam1 = gamma(a,1./b)
lam2 = gamma(a,1./b)
old_ln_prob = ln_prob(n,lam1,lam2)
# make space for traces
trace_n = np.zeros(nsample,dtype=int)
trace_lam1 = np.zeros(nsample)
trace_lam2 = np.zeros(nsample)
naccept = 0
# run MCMC
for istep in range(nequil+nsample):
for isub in range(nsubstep):
# propose new lambda1, lambda2, and n
new_lam1 = lam1 + sig*randn()
new_lam2 = lam2 + sig*randn()
new_n = randint(N)
new_ln_prob = ln_prob(new_n,new_lam1,new_lam2)
accept = np.exp(new_ln_prob-old_ln_prob)
if rand()<accept:
lam1 = new_lam1
lam2 = new_lam2
n = new_n
naccept += 1
old_ln_prob = new_ln_prob
# end if
# end for isub
if istep >= nequil:
trace_n[istep-nequil] = n
trace_lam1[istep-nequil] = lam1
trace_lam2[istep-nequil] = lam2
# end if istep
# end for istep
ndiscard = 400
mylam1 = np.mean(trace_lam1[ndiscard:])
mylam1e= error(trace_lam1[ndiscard:])
mylam2 = np.mean(trace_lam2[ndiscard:])
mylam2e= error(trace_lam2[ndiscard:])
myn = int(round( np.mean(trace_n[ndiscard:]) ))
myne = error(trace_n[ndiscard:])
print 'estimate:', myn, mylam1, mylam2
print 'errors:', myne, mylam1e, mylam2e
print 'true: ', true_n,true_lam1,true_lam2
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_xlabel('month since Sep. 2014',fontsize=12)
ax.set_ylabel('number of major science discoveries',fontsize=12)
lam = np.zeros(len(x))
lam[:true_n] = true_lam1
lam[true_n:] = true_lam2
mylam = np.zeros(len(x))
mylam[:myn] = mylam1
mylam[myn:] = mylam2
ax.plot(lam,c='r',ls='--',label='true model')
ax.plot(mylam,c='gray',ls='-',lw=5,alpha=0.5,label='inferred model')
fig,ax = plt.subplots(2,1,sharex=True)
ax[0].set_ylabel('Gibbs $\lambda_1$',fontsize=14)
ax[1].set_ylabel('MH $\lambda_1$',fontsize=14)