ToDo-List & Ideas
Time: Thursday 5:00 pm CST once in two weeks
Location: NCSA 2100
Current schedule (2018 Spring)
Date | Person | Subject |
Jan. 26 | Paul | Meltdown |
Feb. 8 | Kiel | Dijkstra’s algorithm |
Feb. 22 | Dima | Generative Adversarial Net. |
Mar. 15 | Alina | Edge Detection |
Apr. 5 | Brian B. | BK tree (fuzzy text matching) |
Apr. 19 | Matt Z. | Reinforcement Learning |
May. 3 | Eli |
Ideas for presentations
- Machine learning.
- Back propogation.
- Clustering.
Boltzmann machine.
- Control theory and signal processing.
- Model reduction.
Kalman filter.Hidden markov model.Proportional-integral (PI) controller.
- Stochastic algorithms.
- The Metropolis approach to sampling and alternatives
- Global balance (pentalty method).
- Quasi-random numbers.
- Ant Colony Optimization
- Parallel tempering.
- Stochastic hill climbing.
- Bayesian networks.
Simulated annealingEvolutionary, and genetics algorithms.Particle Swarm OptimizationBelief propogationGibbs sampling
- Encryption.
- Symmetric-key, Public-key (RSA) cryptography
- Cryptanalysis (breaking encryption).
- Hashing.
- Optimzation.
- Global Newton methods
- line search
- trust region
- iterative solution of linear equations
- matrix free
- Generalized minimal residual method (GMRES)
- preconditioning
- additive Schwarts
- Algebraic and geometric multi-grid
- Block Jacobi
- Quadratic optimization.
- Convex optmization.
- Steepest descent, Conjugate gradiant, Quasi-Newton, ….
- Noisy optimization.
- Compilers (fortan).
Simplex method.
- Global Newton methods
- Linear Algebra.
- Random matrix theory.
QR / SVD. principle component analysisDiagnolization, inversion.LanczosFast Fourier transforms (FFT).
- Numerical solutions to differential equations.
- Finite differences
Finite elements- Finite volumes
- Spectral elements
- PDE solvers (additional problems from multivariate)
- Energy conserving or time-reversal invariant versions.
Runge-Kutta and family.
- Data compression.
- Image compression techniques (one or more).
- Compressed sensing (probabilistic approach and connections to stat mech).
Compressed sensing (l-1 technique).
- Image Processing
- Image recognition
Automatic focus
- Visualization
Marching Cubes
- Quantum computing.
- Quantum annealing.
- Quantum error correction.
- Quantum encryption.
- Quantum stabilizers.
Grover algorithm.Shor algorithm.
- Parallelism.
- Parallel linear algebra.
- OpenMP and MPI
- GPU, Cuda, …
- Computer networks/the internet.
Google search bar, page rank.- The Internet protocal suite.
- Packet switching vs. cell-based switching.
- Mobile networks.
- Error detection and correction, Hamming codes.
- Internet security.
- Network routing.
- Classic CS algorithms
- Quicksort, Graph theory, …
Cellular atomata.Theory of computation(Turing, finite state machine, definition of language, regular expressions).complexity theory.